To reset forgotten password hard reboot your affected VM or bare metal server, press arrow key to skip boot timeout from grub, then press “e” search for line start with “linuxefi” (some time instead of “linuxefi” you can find “linux” or “linux16”) and press “end”...
How to configure HPE MSA controller IP manually using cli port
connect USB to your pc, open device manager and find COM port number, open putty, select serial, and change COM port number, "Baud rate" value may vary. Default User name is " manage" Default Password is " !manage " Since there are 2 controllers you have to...
How to fix vCenter – no healthy upstream error.
I recently faced this issue when downgrading HPE Simplivity Node, we were using Center v7 U2, and we have to shut down everything for this host downgrade. after the downgrade and adding additional SimpliVity node deployment was done, we tried to turn on vCenter but we...
Installing Kali-Linux 64-Bit on Raspberry Pi-4
For the 64-Bit OS support we need to use Raspberry Pi 4I’m using Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B With * Gigs of RAM, A 4GB RAM model would work just fine.But First what is Raspberry Pi and what is it used for ? he Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that...
How to remove Windows Watermark
You may have faced this issue in Evaluation versions or Preview releases or OS you are not activated, it's very easy to remove this. using a free tool you can remove this watermark. It's called Universal Watermark Disabler. download from above link and extract to a...
Disabling weak CBC ciphers in ssh Redhat
Today we will cover how to disable weak cbc ciphers in ssh server, after this you will pass cbc ciphers vulnerability.Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x OpenSSH Tool used for vulnerability checking Resolution There were 2 server affected in...
NIMIQ – Crypto for Humans
NIMIQ Will cryptocurrency replace traditional money? The question is not if but when. So what does it takes to empower real mass adoption? Bitcoin set the foundation for solving problems in our current financial system. It is amazing in many ways, but it is...
Is Norton 360 the key to Allowing Everyday Users to mine Crypto ?
By 2030, studies show that blockchain technology is expected to lift the global GDP up by two trillion US dollars. As more countries are setting trends in cryptocurrency implementation and development, Norton 360 recently released a feature for mining the...
Chia Cryptocurrency
Chia is a cryptocurrency using a block chain technology.and it uses what is called a proof of space and work consensus mechanism. In short to farm anything using proof of space and work you need to be able to holds large amount of data and then be able to provide that...
How to reset forgotten root password in FreeBSD.
FreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice...
How to Reset forgotten the Root Password in ubuntu server
If you forget your root password of your ubuntu server you can use this method.If you are using a bare metal server or a vps all you have to do is restart your server and press escape "ESC" key.this will prevent Server OS to boot and bring up the GRUB boot promt. if...
Best application to find where space is being taken up on your Windows PC or Server.
When ever you got alert on your PC that Hard drive didn't have much space left, first thing we all do is clearing temp, uninstalling unwanted application or Using third party application like CCleaner or even running disk clean up from windows, but in most cases you...
Pi Network First Crypto Miner for Mobile.
Pi Network introduce First crypto currency mining app to mobile platform, to join and download miner app please click below button and use invitation code " impiza ". Mining crypto is hard. Investing in crypto is risky. Too many of us are left out of the...
MySQL Bin Files Eating Lots of Disk Space (fix)
Some time you may find MySQL stopped working and failed to start, and if you check status of MySQL using "systemctl status mysql" or "journalctl -xe" you can find that your "filesystem is out of space"Trouble ShootingOK first of all, we have to determine which disk...
How to create your own vpn server
For creating a VPN you will need these things. A VPS(Virtual Private Server), I am using Ubuntu-based VPS Here is the link for a free credit of 100$ with this you can create a VPS for free and test it if you like then you can continue. Then you will need...

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