Hi, today I am sharing how to install ubiquiti unifi controller on an Ubuntu Server VM, for that you will need the following A Ubuntu Server VM with ssh...
ESXi Customizer Windows 10 Fix
You may face this issue when running ESXi-Customizer in Windows 10, to fix this you need to follow this instruction. Open ESXi-Customizer.cmd file in...
Blockchains are incredibly popular now a days. What is a block chain how do they work what problems do they solve and how can they be used. Like...
how to resize or rotate multiple images easily in linux
If you ever wonder how to resize or rotate multiple images in Linux, well this is the post for you, Requirements gtk+ 2.4.0 nautilus 2.6.0...
Rii i8 Mini Wireless Touchpad with Keyboard review
I Bought Rii i8 Mini Wireless Touchpad with Keyboard on December Last year, so I thought it will be nice to make a review on the product I have been using...
Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component 64-bit Registration prevents Office 365 32-bit installation Fix
You may face this issue when you are trying to install Office 2016 after uninstalling preinstalled office 362 Demo. To completely uninstall Office 16...

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