Easily see which assets are assigned, to whom, and their physical location. Check them back into inventory with one click, or click through to see the asset’s complete history. Seeing what assets are currently deployed, pending (brand new awaiting software installs, out for repair), ready to deploy, or archived (lost/stolen, or broken) is quick and easy.
- Easily see which assets are assigned, to whom, and their physical location
- One-click checkin
- Asset Models let you group common features
- Require User Acceptance (End-User EULAs/Terms of Service) on Checkout
- Email alerts for expiring warrantees and licenses
- Integrates with most handheld barcode scanners and QR code reader apps
- Quick and easy asset auditing
- Add your own custom fields for additional asset attributes
- Easily import and export assets
- Generate QR code labels for easy mobile access and labels
- Assets marked as requestable can be requested by a user
- Assets retain full history including checkouts, checkins and maintenance
- Optional digital signatures on asset acceptance
To login, use login name: demo
& password: password@123