ITDB is a web based asset inventory management tool used to store information about assets found in office environments, with a focus -but not lmited to- IT assets. It is not or targets for ITIL/CMDB compliance (yet), but it has served me for years and hopefully it will do the same for you 🙂
ITDB comes with sources and is distributed under the GNU Public license
  • Items: specs, warranties, s/n, IP info, what other H/W relates/connects to this H/W, item status, event log, assignees
  • Software: specs, license info, …
  • Relations: where each software is installed, license QTY, component relations, contract relations to software/hardware/invoices
  • Invoices: purchase proofs depicting date, vendor, prices, attached documents
  • Agents: Vendors, H/W & S/W Manufacturers, Buyers (for different Dpt), Contactors
  • Locations: location of each asset: building, floor, room, rack, rack row, row depth
  • Contracts: define custom contract types, like support& maintenance, SLA, etc. Track contract events.
  • Tags: multiple tags for items and software. You may use tags for grouping according to usage, budget, owner, importance, etc.
  • Files: attach documents to every main object entity (Items, Software, Invoices, Contracts
  • Users: who has what or who is responsible for what
  • Racks: display rack layout with items assigned to each rack row. (supports multiple items/rackrow).
  • Print labels: print label stickers for tag all your assets, with or without barcode, from phones and laptops to cooling units and ups. Easily define new label paper layouts through the GUI.
  • One click backup: get a full backup of the ITDB installation and data in a .tar.gz from the main menu. To restore, just extract the backup file on the web server!
  • All pages are printable: all screen pages/lists/reports print-out nicely, without menus, scrollbars and other clutter.
  • Interface Translations: translation file support. You may create your own translations (v1.3)
  • Rudimentary LDAP support: pull userlist for item assignment from an LDAP URL.(Not tested with active directory, and not used for auth.

user name : demo
Password : demo

This user only have read only access.

request a quote

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